The Breathing Space Yoga Studio

Yin Yoga - The Chakra Series (in person)
October 7, 2024 November 11, 2024

Total # of Classes

Class length
60 minutes

What to expect...
All Levels - reconnect within, explore a deeper practice

You can still join individual sessions in this series or book the whole block for maximum enjoyment and benefit (and value at just £50 for all 6!)

What is YIN? 

In YIN we focus on long-held asanas (postures) to zero in on deep connective tissue, creating flexibility and mental resilience. Candlelight / evening sessions promote the deep serenity this practice can bring.

Yin Yoga - The Chakra Series for Balanced Harmony

A transformative 6-week series designed to help you achieve harmony between effort and relaxation, strength and softness, movement and stillness. In today’s fast-paced world, we often focus on Yang energy—constant activity, pushing harder, doing more. But what about the Yin side? It’s in moments of stillness, surrender, and reflection that we cultivate deep connection and peace. This series offers a space to slow down and create a balance that nurtures both your physical body and your inner world.

What You Can Expect:

  • 7/10/25 Week 1: Grounding & Stability – Feel rooted and stable as we open the hips and hamstrings, strengthening your foundation.

  • 14/10/25 Week 2: Fluidity & Flow – Embrace flexibility in the lower body, allowing your joints and muscles to flow freely.

  • 21/10/25 Week 3: Core Integrity – Build strength in your centre while maintaining softness and flexibility in the spine.

  • 28/10/25 Week 4: Opening the Heart – Open your shoulders and chest to release tension, cultivating emotional and physical openness.

  • 4/11/25 Week 5: Freedom of Expression – Soften the neck and throat, creating space for communication and self-expression.

  • 11/11/25 Week 6: Whole Body Balance – Integrate everything you've learned into a practice that harmonizes Yin and Yang energies.

Why Join Us for this Series?

  • Physical Benefits: Increase flexibility, reduce joint pain, and release deeply stored tension in your body.

  • Mental Clarity: Slow, mindful postures and breathwork help calm the mind and reduce stress, creating lasting relaxation.

  • Balance Your Energy: Cultivate the perfect balance of Yin and Yang to feel more grounded, at peace, and empowered in your everyday life.

Each session will focus on a different physical theme, but they all tie back to the idea of Balanced Harmony—the art of integrating movement and stillness, strength and surrender, for a more vibrant, centered you.

The class takes place on...

You may also register for individual classes in this series by clicking a specific date above.


Yin Yoga - The Chakra Series (in person) (Ticket)



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