The Breathing Space Yoga Studio

Workshop - Migraine Buster
with Christine

February 15 (Saturday)
at 11:00

Class length
150 minutes

What to expect...
Mixed Level - Medium physical demand with options to work towards stronger variations

MIGRAINES... Ever experienced a headache accompanied by nausea,  dizziness and light sensitivity?
Welcome to world of the migraine. 

Incapacitating and can last for days. 😫 No fun at all. Sadly,  they affect so many of us - despite healthy lifestyles they can creep up on us at any time when we just have so much to do!  

What are the causes? How can we spot them? What can we do to alleviate them and even prevent their arriving so forcefully? 

Join Christine as she shares a wealth and variety of self care practices you can use in your own home to keep a migraine tamed and sooth it's grip on your body if it comes.  

By the end of the course you will feel equipped with more knowledge,  skills and even a good bag of tricks!  


Sorry - that class has already taken place!
