The Breathing Space Yoga Studio

Women’s Wisdom Pool
with Alli Rainbow

January 12 (Sunday)
at 13:00

Class length
120 minutes

What to expect...
Mixed Level - Medium physical demand with options to work towards stronger variations

Womens’ Wisdom Pool

A ‘Consciousness Practice’ for women to explore their connection with their deeper self and their connection with other women.

The practice is rooted in yogic philosophy and is held by the practices of Native American Earth Wisdom.

The aim of practice in this way is to assist women on their journey towards Yoga, towards a state where they feel their connection with All That Is.
Overall, the Wisdom Pool can be a stand alone practice or sit beautifully alongside your Yoga practice.

Alli has been practicing Yoga since the late 90’s and teaching since 2003. Her lineage is that of Krishnamacharya. She has been studying Native American Earth Wisdom practices since 2011. She feels these ancient traditions both complement and enrich one another, and has used both to deepen her own self awareness.

Please be aware before booking,  that workshops are non transferable and non refundable. 

This is an live ONLINE workshop and will be delivered via Zoom. 


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