The Breathing Space Yoga Studio

Workshop: Women's Health and Healing Yoga Workshop: Nurturing Body, Mind, and Soul
with Aly

December 16 (Saturday)
at 15:00

Class length
150 minutes

What to expect...
All Levels - reconnect within, explore a deeper practice

Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and holistic well-being with our Women's Health and Healing Yoga Workshop. Guided by a fusion of ancient practices and modern techniques, this workshop addresses the unique needs of women, nurturing physical, mental, and emotional health.

Workshop Highlights:

  1. Grounding Meditation for Presence:Begin your journey with a grounding meditation to arrive fully in your body, creating a serene space for inner exploration and alignment.

  2. Restorative Yoga and Yin Exploration:Immerse yourself in a deeply restorative and yin-inspired yoga practice. Through gentle poses and extended holds, we invite you to journey inward, nurturing your inner landscape and finding alignment within.

  3. Reiki, Reflexology, and Hands-On Assists:Experience the healing touch of Reiki, enhanced by reflexology and nurturing, releasing assists. Long holds and restorative practices provide an ideal canvas for these transformative modalities, promoting balance, release, and deep relaxation.

  4. Shared Experiences and Knowledge Exchange:Embrace the opportunity to share experiences and knowledge. Our facilitator, with expertise in aromatherapy oils, reflexology, and acupressure, will provide insights and techniques to support women's health.


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