Therapeutic Yoga Massage Taster Workshop
with Alli Rainbow

February 28 (Friday)
at 11:00

Class length
60 minutes

What to expect...
Mixed Level - Medium physical demand with options to work towards stronger variations

Join us for this rather special workshop in which Alli will introduce you to the wonder that is 'Therapeutic Yoga Massage'. Think Thai yoga massage, think Shiatsu, then add Alli's healing hands as she throws Reiki into the blend!

As well as a demonstration, you will also be guided through partner work to experience the therapy first hand.  And just when you thought it couldn't get any better- you will receive a voucher for 20% off your first 1:1 Therapeutic Yoga Massage with Alli (£11 discount)

What is Therapeutic Yoga Massage?  

Rhythmical pressing, rocking and gentle joint manipulations based on yoga Asana, are used to release physical blockages and energetic blockages. Awareness of one's body is increased, as is the flow of energy and vitality through the body. Stress levels are decreased, physical pain is decreased, greater joint mobility is achieved. With this comes greater physical balance, and, ultimately, balance of the mind. Following what is present on the day, Alli follows your energy and brings in that which is needed for healing, this may include Reiki, Cranio-sacral work, Sports massage, as well as Yoga massage techniques. It is a session truly tailored to You in that moment.


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