Awaken Your Inner Healing: An introduction to Ayurveda
with Sarah

February 11 (Saturday)
at 14:00

Class length
180 minutes

What to expect...
All Levels - reconnect within, explore a deeper practice

In Sanskrit Ayurveda means “The Science of Life" - it is a traditional Indian system of medicine which aims to preserve health and wellness by keeping the mind, body and spirit in balance. 

Thought to be over five thousand years old, Ayurvedic medicine teaches us to see the world as it relates to the 5 elements: Air, Ether, Fire, Water and Earth and to the Doshas (energies) of Vata, Pitta and Kapha. 

According to Ayurveda, everyone is born with a mixture of these three doshas and energies. Determining your primary dosha is the first step towards finding your optimal state of balanced, natural health.

Join us for this three hour exploratory workshop, with Sarah Rumble, to start your Ayuvedic journey...

We will uncover the history and origins of Ayuveda, explain the key theories relating to the elements and doshas. Support you  to identify your Prakruti (original nature) and explore how to spot imbalances. Perhaps you'll notice that you're intuitively applying Ayuvedic principles to your lifestyle already. 

There will be time for discussion and a number of self awareness practices and activities. 

There will not be an active yoga practice as we want focus specifically on Ayuveda but there will be some gentle movement, guided mediation and relaxation and you will leave the session with a new understanding of your self, your current lifestyle, your wellbeing and the next steps if you'd like to continue your understanding of this holistic wellbeing practice. 

This workshop is led by a close friend of the Breathing Space, Sarah Rumble, who's a Wellbeing Educator and Yoga teacher based in Stourbridge.

Tickets are priced at £35 and are none transferable/refundable. Please ensure you can attend this workshop before reserving your space. 

We will contact you ahead of the workshop with joining instructions - you will need a yoga mat, cosy clothing, a pen and a notebook. We will keep you cosy with blankets, bolsters, never ending tea and some light snacks. 


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