Workshop: Prana and the subtle body (ONLINE only)
with Yashwanth

December 3 (Saturday)
at 9:00

Class length
120 minutes

What to expect...
Mixed Level - Medium physical demand with options to work towards stronger variations

Deepen your understanding of the energy (Prana) of the body and how it moves within the subtle body.

The Breathing Space is primarily a school of Hatha Yoga. Hatha is about preparing the body by bringing balance across the physiological systems and the subtle body in preparation for meditative practices. To do this we must understand how to influence and manage Prana.

The Pancha Vayus (5 winds) describe the  movements or functions of Prana throughout the subtle body. Apana vayu, samana vayu, udana vayu, and vyana vayu, govern different areas of the body and different physical and subtle activities. When they’re functioning harmoniously, we experience balance, vitality and harmony physically, mentally and spiritually. 

An online workshop with Yashwanth from India, combining discussion and illustrative practices. Please bring a notebook and pen as well as your mat!

ALL Workshops and Prepay classes are NON REFUNDABLE and NON TRANSFERABLE


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